Destroy the Laser Ore Processor Alpha and reclaim the RDA Refinery in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

The Laser Ore Processor Alpha in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a challenging mission where you must destroy a powerful weapon called the Laser Ore Processor Alpha. To get to the Laser Lens, you’ll hack several terminals and destroy systems within the RDA Outpost.
We will walk you through each part of the mission to help you complete Laser Ore Processor Alpha in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.
How to Complete The Laser Ore Processor Alpha
Completing the Laser Ore Processor Alpha is no easy task – you’ll have to sneak inside the refinery and find key terminals while avoiding powerful RDA soldiers. Read through each part of the following section to learn the best paths to take and how to complete the Laser Ore Processor Alpha in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.
Infiltrate the Refinery Housing the Laser Ore Processor Alpha
Head to Gate 03 next to a large yellow RDA truck. Within the area, look for the hook that allows you to get up to the rafters along the large Refinery text written on the side.

Walk along the rafters and go to the door on the other end. The guards will be alerted as soon as you use the hook, and you will take some damage as you cross the rafters, but keep running to the door to get to safety.

Once you’re inside, take out the guards in the lower deck, then make your way to the console on the other end of the room. Walk along the yellow pipes towards your right and follow the platform to find the terminal.

At the console, use your SID tool to hack into the terminal. The hacking process shouldn’t take long; it only requires playing a straightforward hacking mini-game.

After you hack the terminal, return to the door you entered and pass through the small hole in the wall to continue your push toward the Laser Ore Processor Alpha.

Hack the Cargo Trench Control Console
After you cross the small hole in the wall, you will arrive at Checkpoint 02. Keep walking along the yellow pipes; the pipes will lead you to the next checkpoint.

At the Cargo Trench, make your way to the Control Center at the cargo area. You should find the next terminal here.
You can get to the top of the Control Center by jumping from the yellow pipes and onto the roof. Break the small vent and kill the guard inside to gain access to the terminal.
Use the SID tool again to hack into the terminal. You’ll have to play another mini-game to hack the circuits, but like the previous terminal, this one should also be easy. After completing this terminal, you’ll be one step closer to the Laser Ore Processor Alpha.

Head to the Gas Pipeline Control Room
The next part of the mission requires you to head to the gas pipeline control room and hack into the control console for the gas pipeline. Like the first two terminals, use the SID tool to hack into the console.

A series of explosions will occur right after you successfully hack the gas pipeline control terminal, alerting the RDA guards in the area. Shoot three gas pipeline shutoff valves (highlighted blue) to move on to the next part of the mission.

Reach the Slag Pit
After you destroy the gas pipelines, the next objective is to head and hack into the slag pit terminal.

There will be multiple guards in the area, so keep the high ground to snipe off the guards from a safe distance. Clear the guards first before dropping down to the lower deck.

Once the area is clear, go to the slag pit control room and hack into it using the SID tool. Several guards will arrive at the slag pit after you hack the slag pit terminal. Stay in the control room and deal with the enemies from there so you don’t take too much damage. The slag pit terminal is the last terminal you must hack before you head to the Laser Ore Processor Alpha room.
Reach the Smelting Unit
With the Slag Pit terminal hacked and the guards taken down, take the steps that lead to the maintenance area, then walk through the round vent. Carefully drop down to the platform below and onto the pipes leading to the Smelting Unit Control Room.

You will come across large electrically-charged pipes as you head for the Smelting Unit Control Room. Discharge the pipes by pulling the large lever down, then cross the pipes and make your way to the next room.

You will find a large vent in the next room. Destroy the vent to gain access to the Smelting Unit Control Room.

Once again, you’ll find yourself using the SID tool to hack into the Smelting Unit terminal. Play the hacking mini-game as you did with the previous terminals to hack the Smelting Unit terminal. The Smelting Room terminal is the final terminal you must hack before you come face to face with the Laser Ore Processor Alpha.

Destroy the Laser Ore Processor Alpha
You’ll need to destroy the large Laser Lens in the final part of the mission. During the mission, the laser Lens will regularly open, allowing you to shoot and deal damage to it. You can also blow up the gas pipelines that power the Laser Lens to deal damage to it.

You’ll have to deal with several guards at this part of the mission, including a powerful Combat Exo, RDA Elite Soldier, and AMP Elite Soldier. Kill these soldiers first before you move on to the three emergency pipelines.
With the guards dealt with, access the three emergency pipelines in the left-side gallery and open them. With all three emergency pipelines opened, shoot the front tower’s exposed shutoff valves, head to the Laser Lens, and continue dealing damage by shooting at it whenever it opens.

After you deal enough damage to the Laser Lens, you’ll need to access another set of emergency pipelines in the right side gallery. Like the left-side gallery emergency pipelines, deal with the RDA soldiers first so you don’t get interrupted while accessing the pipelines.

With the RDA soldiers cleared, access the emergency pipelines in the right side gallery, then shoot the back right tower’s exposed shutoff valve to blow it up.
With that completed, shoot the Laser Lens a few more times to destroy it and complete The Laser Ore Processor Alpha in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

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Final Thoughts
There are multiple objectives to complete in the Laser Ore Processor Alpha mission, most of which will put you in a cycle of hacking terminals, dealing with RDA soldiers, and destroying key systems within the Refinery.
Follow the guide above to learn how to enter the RDA facility, find and hack the terminals within the facility, and destroy the Laser Lens to complete the Laser Ore Processor Alpha mission in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.