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Valorant is the first-person shooter game from the Creators of League of LegendsRiot. It took the world by storm when it was released in 2020 and has been one of the most-played FPS games since. Valorant unique is their agents’ roster with their own set of skills.

How to Use Initiator Breach in Valorant

Mastering the agents is one of the keys to thoroughly learning and enjoying the game. This will prove difficult because unlocking agents in Valorant is neither easy nor cheap. The agents are divided into four types: Duelist, Sentinel, Initiator, and Controller. If you want to learn more about Initiators, we have you covered.

Initiators are agents that help flush enemies out of cover. Their skills are tweaked to give combat advantage to their teams when charging into a push. Sentinels are agents who play defense and are often in the back lines to utilize their abilities fully. The description in the game reads :

Initiators challenge angles by setting up their team to enter contested ground and push defenders away.”

This is how Riot describes Initiators. They make tactically sound strategies and help their team initiate attackers and push the defenders back. Initiators apply immense pressure through their abilities to make the enemies flee or regroup.

This role works in any scenario and is a great help in carrying out counterattacks. Each Initiator is unique, and they have skills that vary in function from healing to reconnaissance. Being an effective Initiator requires you to know the agents well.

Let’s check out one of these Initiators and help you figure out if he will suit your playstyle.

Initiator Breach

Breach is a bionic initiator from Sweden equipped with crowd control abilities. He is arguably the best agent to help his teammates get through pushes and enter bomb sites. While defending, he can delay the push long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

Getting some intel and knowing the map will maximize Breach’s abilities. He may not be the most straightforward agent for new players to Valorant, but given enough time to practice, Breach is an indispensable agent on your team.

This Swedish agent can help his teammates win clashes with little risk. Breach’s skill set is designed to lift enemies off their feet and limit their vision and movement. If his teammates are caught in the crossfire, the risk comes in since the skills affect everyone indiscriminately; absent-mindedly using Breach’s crowd control skills can cost you a potential self-inflicted wipeout.

This Initiator is best sued to come in second in a push since his abilities will be of more use when he has a little intel on where the enemies are. He can easily render them helpless even through layers of walls and floor. If his abilities pique your interest, then read on.

Initiator Breach’s Skills

Aftershock – 200 credits

When you press C, Breach equips a fusion charge to aim through walls. After a 2.4-second windup, it lets out three blasts of an explosion, dealing 60 damage each. Anyone caught in the range of this ability will see a large red warning circle on the screen, whether it is an enemy or an ally.

If an enemy runs away from this skill, they can be easily killed off with this ability. Its wall-penetrating trait is the main feature that can easily clear corners and covers. Despite its power, you only get one charge per round, so use this when you have a rough estimation of the enemy’s location.

Aftershock is an integral part of Breach’s area denial skill set, making it too valuable to use without adequately assessing the situation. Anyone foolish enough to stand still and absorb the full extent of Aftershock’s wrath will find themselves waiting for the round to finish to try again.

You can also use the windup time to reposition and take out the enemy when they inevitably try to flee the covers. This is one of the best abilities in the game due to its ability to hit enemies no matter the obstruction between you and your target.

Flashpoint – 250 credits

Flashpoint can be used in many ways, like blinding pushing enemies in narrow passageways or blinding camping enemies behind boxes. When you press Q, Breach deploys a blinding charge penetrating a wall and blinds anyone looking at it.

Read: How to Play Initiator Breach on Lotus

The blind lasts for two seconds — the longest flash in the game — and since it requires you to shoot Flashpoint into the wall, enemies taking cover or hesitating a push will be caught off-guard. You can deploy a maximum of two flashes per round, so use them economically, or go wild and use both to keep those pesky peekers at bay.

Flashpoint is very troublesome for the receiving end of the ability. This includes your teammates since this ability blinds anyone indiscriminately. Ensure you know who is not behind the wall before setting the skill.

It takes less than a second to take effect, so enemies will barely have time to look away at the onset of the skill. You can use this to catch your enemies by surprise by coordinating with your team: when they are blinded, your teammates can pop up and take blinded enemies down.

The flash can also bait and lead enemies away from a covered point and right in the open for everyone to see. As with any other skill, communicate with your team to maximize this ability and keep them from becoming victims.

Faultline – Free

This is the signature skill of Breach. Pressing E will let you deploy a seismic blast in a straight line, dazing anyone caught in it. Holding the Fire Button will let you send the Faultline further to help disable enemies even when Breach is ways off.

Faultline can displace an agent from their position, so this is best used when ensuring your push or dislodge an agent high on a ledge. Be careful when setting this seismic blast because it can affect your teammates like the rest of Breach’s skills. Faultline has a cooldown of 40 seconds which means you can use two per round.

This skill is hilariously overpowered in that it can delay pushes, clear corners, and disperse enemies. The skill takes around 1.5 seconds, making it easy to evade. Do not fret because this skill ultimately flushes enemies out of hiding. If you manage to get your enemies out in the open, this skill has done its job. Additionally, this is a handy tool to cancel diffusing or planting while keeping a safe distance from the site.

Rolling Thunder – 7 Ultimate Orbs

This is the Ultimate Skill of Breach. Pressing X lets lose a seismic charge that moves in a large area in a straight line. The cascading quake knocks agents by 7 meters and stuns them for 6 seconds. This is an effective tool for pushing and can be deployed through walls and obstructions.

Rolling Thunder affects all kinds of terrain to ensure enemies will be caught no matter where there are situated in the area of effect. Deploy this cautiously because teammates can get caught, and that 6-second stun can work against you.

The quake moves progressively so your team can follow through and pick off the dazed enemies for an easy win. This progression comprises eight shockwaves, with each wave wider than before, forming a cone-shaped area of effect.

Rolling Thunder can easily give you an Ace if you hit all the enemies with your ridiculously wide-area ability. It works well for both offense and defense. When retaking a site, you can wait for the spike planting audio cue and aim at the site. It is unlikely enemies can get away in time when they are too focused on planting the spike.

Initiator Breach Bonus Tips

  • Refer to your minimap. Faultline’s range can be checked on the minimap, so you do not need to hope to the gods your skill would hit. But instead, be sure it will and reposition yourself immediately for a follow-up.
  • Do not fret if Aftershock misses. This skill is easy to evade but aims to flush out enemies. Hitting and eliminating enemies with it can be considered a considerable bonus.
  • Partnering with an efficient Duelist can give you excellent results. Breach works best when his skills are combined with peeking shots and fast-paced follow-ups by duelists.

Do you think Breach is for you? He is not the easiest agent to get used to, especially for new players. However, with enough time and experience, Breach is an unstoppable force that can carry his team without taking such a high risk.

To maximize his skills and abilities, Breach needs to establish a high level of communication with his team. Breach’s allies will adjust their strategies around his abilities, giving you the burden of carrying your team through a push or surviving a defense.

If your playstyle sees you as an initiator coordinating with your team for most of the game and you enjoy taking your enemies by surprise, we highly recommend Breach on your next playthrough. With the right amount of hours put in, you can easily be the core player of any team.

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VALORANT Patch 6.11 PBE Notes – Pearl is disabled, Chamber Buffs, Weapons Updates, and more Tue, 30 May 2023 13:00:00 +0000

Viper gets another set of nerfs, while Chamber gets a slight buff in the Patch 6.11 PBE Notes.

VALORANT Patch 6.11 PBE Notes - Pearl is disabled, Chamber Buffs, Weapons Updates, and more

Despite the latest patch being released just last week, the PBE Patch Notes for the next patch in VALORANT are already here. The new patch is much larger than 6.10, consisting of multiple Agent updates, map changes, and weapons adjustments.

The new update will be one of the more significant updates for Episode 6, so just sit back and relax – we have outlined everything you can expect from the upcoming patch in this quick guide.

Patch 6.11 PBE Agent Updates

Right from the get-go, 6.11 PBE Notes brings sad news to Viper mains, as their favorite Agent receives yet another round of nerfs around her Fuel.

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Moreover, Riot Games has reduced Viper’s Fuel Regeneration rate and slowed her time to regenerate Fuel from empty.

  • Fuel Regeneration
    • Reduced regeneration per second from 5%>>>3.3%
    • Increased time to regenerate to max fuel once empty from 20s>>>30s

In a move to slightly bump up Chamber’s pick rate, Riot Games has given the Agent a slight buff to his Trademark, Rendezvous, and Tour De Force abilities.

  • Trademark
    • Disable range increased from 4000>>>5000
    • Trap arm speed decreased from 45>>>25
  • Rendezvous
    • Instant equip out of teleport
  • Tour de Force
    • The firing rate increased by 15%

Other Agent changes include additional updates around Yoru’s Fakeout (which already had quite a few changes in Patch 6.10) and voiceover adjustments to Omen’s From the Shadows ability.

  • Yoru’s Fakeout can now be visually affected by Concussing abilities.
  • The timing of Omen’s From the Shadows voiceover line has been slightly pushed forward to increase player discernibility.

Patch 6.11 PBE Weapons Updates

All weapons in Patch 6.11 will have increased accuracy when using Ascenders/Ziplines on any map in the game. The changes are relative to the walking accuracy spread.

Ascenders/Ziplines Accuracy

  • Weapon Accuracy on Ascenders/Ziplines
    • Mins spread on ropes increased to 65% of the walking spread.
      • Rifles from .8 >>> 1.3
      • Classic from .35 >>> .55
      • Frenzy from .35 >>> .52
      • Ghost from .35 >>> .6
      • Sheriff from .35 >>> .78
      • SMGs from .3 >>> .65
      • Snipers & Shotguns unchanged
  • The walking and running spread on ropes increased to match the walking and running spread on the ground.

Shorty and Frenzy Nerf

The Shorty has proven to be one of the most cost-effective pistols in VALORANT. However, the devs weren’t happy with the gun’s effectiveness relative to cost, which is why the mini shotgun receives nerfs, affecting ammo, price, and damage in Patch 6.11.

Shorty gets a nerf in Patch 6.11
  • Reserve ammo adjusted from 10 >>> 6
  • The price was adjusted from 150$ >>> 300$
  • Damage at no fall-off adjusted from 12 >>> 11
  • Damage at first step fall-off (7 meters) adjusted from 8 >>> 6

The Frenzy is also getting a nerf to its accuracy and spread, causing it to reach max spread and recoil sooner.

  • Min spread increased from .45 >>> .65
  • Spread curve adjusted
    • The maximum spread reached in 5 bullets instead of 6.
  • Recoil Pitch curve adjusted
    • Maximum recoil reached in 5 bullets instead of 6. However, recoil has been lowered to compensate.

Moving Accuracy Nerf

Aside from weapons accuracy updates and slight weapon adjustments given to the Shorty and Frenzy, Riot Games also adjust off-center accuracy on moving shots for Patch 6.11.

  • Error Power (also known as Center Biasing) is a tool the devs utilize to reward accuracy by biasing shots toward the center of the crosshair.
  • Adjustments made to significantly reduce center biasing while in any movement states besides walking or stationary.
    • Guns will be less accurate when fired while moving, as shots will have a higher chance of being further from the center of the crosshair.

Gameplay Updates and Bug Fixes

Pearl removed in Patch 6.11
  • Sova’s cape dynamics were redone and smoothed out. Still maintains a silhouette close to his body not to give away the enemy player’s position.
  • Pearl is disabled.
  • Combat Report shows “Allies Dazed” and “Enemies Dazed” for all concuss abilities.

You can read the full VALORANT Patch 6.11 PBE Notes here.

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New VALORANT Bundle Magepunk 3.0 – Weapon Skins, Price, Release Date Wed, 24 May 2023 19:00:00 +0000

Here’s everything we know about the new bundle coming to VALORANT – Magepunk 3.0.

New VALORANT Bundle Magepunk 3.0 - Weapon Skins, Price, Release Date

The Magepunk 3.0 bundle is coming this month, and with it comes steampunk-themed skins for the Phantom, Vandal, and Melee skin.

If you’ve been wondering which weapons are getting the Magepunk treatment this time, we have you covered. In this quick guide, we will discuss what Magepunk 3.0 is, when it will be available, and how much you can expect to see this bundle go for sale in the VALORANT Store.

What is Magepunk 3.0?

Magepunk 3.0 is the third iteration of steampunk-themed weapon skins in VALORANT and comes with weapon skins for the Vandal, Phantom, and Melee.

The first Magepunk bundle was released as a Premium bundle in Patch 2.06 in Episode 2. The bundle featured Ghost, Spectre, Bucky, Marshal, and Melee skins. Individual weapon skin costs 1775 VALORANT Points individually. The Melee skin costs more at 3550 VP.

The second Magepunk bundle was released just an Episode later in Patch 3.10. It included skins for the Sheriff, Guardian, Operator, and Ares. Like the previous Magepunk bundle, the Melee skin costs a premium at 3550 VP.

However, unlike previous Magepunk bundles, Magepunk 3.0 only features two weapon skins and a melee skin. Whereas previous Magepunk bundles featured at least five weapon skins.

When will Magepunk 3.0 bundle be available?

Magepunk 3.0 will be available one week after Patch 6.10 goes live. According to Riot Games, the exact date is May 29th, so expect to find the bundle in the VALORANT Store by the end of the month.

With that said, make sure you have enough VALORANT Points in your account, so you can purchase the Magepunk 3.0 bundle as soon as it arrives in-game.

How much will the new VALORANT Magepunk 3.0 Bundle cost?

The price for the new VALORANT Magepunk 3.0 bundle has yet to be announced. However, you should expect a lower bundle price for Magepunk 3.0 than previous Magepunk bundles since this new bundle only features three weapon skins.

For reference, Magepunk 2.0 cost 7100 VALORANT Points back in Patch 3.10 and included skins for more weapons:

  • Sheriff (1775 VP)
  • Guardian (1775 VP)
  • Operator (1775 VP)
  • Ares (1775 VP)
  • Melee (3550 VP)

Based on individual pricing for previous Magepunk weapon skins, skins in the Magepunk 3.0 bundle will likely cost around 1775 VP.

Steampunk Weaponry

The Vandal and Phantom are arguably the most popular weapons in VALORANT right now, so it makes sense for Riot Games to introduce Magepunk skins for these weapons in the coming patch.

Check the VALORANT Store on May 29th for listings on the new Magepunk bundle in VALORANT.

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Diablo Immortal Anniversary Update – New Class & New Zone Mon, 22 May 2023 20:00:00 +0000

A new class is coming to Diablo Immortal.

Diablo Immortal Anniversary Update - New Class & New Zone

Diablo Immortal fans were probably too busy running through Elder Rifts, Zone Events, PvP Events, and other in-game content to realize that Diablo Immortal is turning one year old in just a few more days.

Through June and July, Blizzard will be releasing brand-new content to celebrate a successful first year. In this quick guide, we have outlined all the new stuff you can expect to see in Diablo Immortal.

Diablo Immortal Turns One

Diablo Immortal will turn one year old in June, and to celebrate their mobile dungeon crawler’s success, Blizzard will be introducing numerous updates and adding new content to the game in the next two months.

The most interesting is the imminent arrival of a new class and Zone in Diablo Immortal.

Bloody New Class

The new class cosmetics are yet to be officially revealed. However, Blizzard has been teasing players with a “monstrous” new class that “bleeds new blood” into the game. The new class will also reportedly be a mid-range class that utilizes a classic weapon type.

Blizzard has been pretty tight-lipped regarding further details about the new class. Luckily, players won’t have to wait long to play it in-game, as the new class will arrive in July.

The Cradle of Sanctuary

On the topic of new content, Blizzard has also teased a new Zone called Ancients’ Cradle. A mystical land, people say “a mysterious people” inhabit it.

Read: Diablo Immortal: Cursed Items Guide

As with previously added Zones in Diablo Immortal, Ancients’ Cradle will push the Main Questline forward and introduce numerous content such as PvP Zone Events, Side Quests, Bounties, new enemies, and more.

The new zone should make Sanctuary feel much bigger. The new events tied to the new zone should give players plenty of content to enjoy moving forward.

New Content is Coming in Early June

New class and zone aside, Blizzard is set to introduce a new event, Battle Pass, and a refreshed Phantom Market in June. Players can participate in a new event called the Merciless Monstrosity Event, progress through the new Children of Lilith Battle Pass, and try their luck with Hatred’s Heritage Phantom Market when it finally arrives next month.

You can read the full Diablo Immortal Anniversary blog post here.

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Apex Legends Mobile: EA CEO Reveals Real Reason for Apex Mobile Shutdown Fri, 31 Mar 2023 17:00:51 +0000

The company wants to provide a more ‘unified’ experience for all Apex Legends players on all platforms.

Apex Legends Mobile: EA CEO Reveals Real Reason for Apex Mobile Shutdown

EA and Respawn Entertainment brought shocking news to Apex Legends Mobile fans in January this year. In an announcement blog dated January 31st, the company pointed towards its inability to keep the bar high in terms of quality, quantity, and cadence in its updates, ultimately leading to its decision to shut down Apex Legends Mobile.

Many players were baffled by the announcement. Apex Legends Mobile was considered a very successful game (regardless of the game’s bugs and lack of new and exciting content), winning two Best Game awards in the 2022 Google Play Awards.

Unfortunately, those awards were not enough to keep the game alive, as the game was still ultimately scheduled for an inevitable shutdown later in the year.

After months of silence from EA and the devs, a recent investor’s call has highlighted the real reason behind Apex Legends Mobile’s untimely death.

Why did Apex Legends Mobile shut down?

EA and Respawn Entertainment blamed their inability to deliver quality content promptly for the death of Apex Legends Mobile.

While the game indeed had game-breaking bugs, cheater problems, and constant delays, these were things that EA and Respawn Entertainment could easily address through an update – they just chose not to.

As it turns out, the real reason for Apex Legends Mobile’s shutdown traces back to a growing trend that many game companies have begun to incorporate in their upcoming mobile games – cross-progression.

Apex Legends Mobile was co-developed with Tencent’s Lightspeed & Quantum, which meant the game had its very own Seasons and even featured mobile-exclusive Legends in the likes of Fade and Rhapsody.

The game even featured classic Legends like Horizon and Octane, but Apex Legend Mobile ultimately felt ‘disconnected’ from the main game, but do not take our word for it; CEO Andrew Wilson himself commented about Apex Legends Mobile’s problem of not being “deeply connected to the broader franchise.” This is the same reason why EA also canceled Battlefield Mobile.

EA competitors, such as Activision, have also announced the arrival of established PC/Console games that feature cross-progression, such as Call of Duty Warzone Mobile, which is touted to have cross-progression capabilities between mobile and PC/Console.

Will Apex Legends Mobile return?

There is no set a date for the return of Apex Legends Mobile. But if EA CEO Andrew Wilson’s words are anything to go by, Apex Legends Mobile fans can expect to see a relaunch soon.

“We’ve learned a great deal and have plans to reimagine a connected Apex Mobile experience in the future. We know our community values a deeply connected ecosystem, and our team is focused on delivering the best unified cross-platform experience for our players.” – Andrew Wilson during the EA Q3 2023 Earnings Call.

EA is looking to make Apex Legends Mobile an inter-connected experience in a future re-release, which means Cross-platform progression and even cross-platform play might be standard fare for the next iteration of Apex Legends on mobile platforms.

When will Apex Legends Mobile shut down?

Apex Legends Mobile will shut down on May 1st, 2023. Currently, players can still enjoy all the game has to offer, including all the in-game items they bought with real money.

Unfortunately, EA has been firm about refunds for store items that players have purchased in-game: Players will not be getting refunds for any in-game item they have bought as per the company’s User Agreement.

Tough Business Decisions

Investor Earnings Calls are important invents in a publicly-traded company such as EA, which means everything the company says in the meeting can be held against them if they fail to deliver their promises to the company’s investors. Fans can take EA CEO Andrew Wilson’s words as a declaration of things to come for Apex Legends Mobile.

With that said, Apex Legends Mobile fans can expect a more connected and unified Apex Legends experience to arrive on mobile in the future.

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VALORANT: Gekko Abilities Overview Fri, 24 Mar 2023 18:00:52 +0000

There are die-hard Pokemon fans within the VALORANT dev team.

VALORANT: Gekko Abilities Overview

The recent VCT Lock-In Tournament has given players a quick glimpse into the newest VALORANT Agent through an Official Agent Trailer.

Image Credits: Riot Games

The new Agent, Gekko, belongs to the Initiator class and employs the help of his cuddly yet deadly pets to aid him in battle.

The Pokemon-like creatures give Gekko the ability to blind, bind, and tag enemies, as well as allow him to plant the Spike remotely.

We have outlined all of Gekko’s Abilities in this quick guide.

Gekko Abilities

Gekko brings new and exciting ways to pave the way for his team when Attacking or Defending in VALORANT.

The new Initiator has all the typical Initiator-like abilities that can help him detect enemies and force enemies out of contested areas around maps.

However, Gekko’s most prominent ability, which has many fans talking, is his ability to plant or defuse the Spike remotely using one of his pets.

Dizzy (E)

EQUIP Dizzy and FIRE to send Dizzy soaring forward through the air. Dizzy charges then unleash plasma blast as enemies in line of sight. Enemies hit by her plasma are blinded.

When Dizzy expires, she reverts into a dormant globule. INTERACT to reclaim the globule and gain another Dizzy charge after a short cooldown.

Wingman (Q)

EQUIP Wingman and FIRE to send Wingman forward seeking enemies. Wingman unleashes a concussive blast toward the first enemy he sees. ALT Fire when targeting the Spike site or planted Spike to have Wingman defuse or plant the Spike.

To plant, Gekko must have the Spike in his inventory. When Wingman expires, she reverts into a dormant globule. INTERACT to reclaim the globule and gain another Wingman charge after a short cooldown.

Mosh Pit (C)

EQUIP Mosh and FIRE to throw Mosh like a grenade. ALT FIRE to throw underhand. Upon landing, Mosh duplicates across a large area and then explodes after a short delay.

Thrash (X)

EQUIP Trash and FIRE to link with Thrash’s mind and steer her through enemy territory. ACTIVATE to lunge forward and explode, detaining any enemies in a small radius.

When Thrash expires, she reverts into a dormant globule. INTERACT to reclaim the globule and gain another Thrash charge after a short cooldown. Thrash can be reclaimed once.

Most of Gekko’s abilities can be reused by reclaiming the globules left behind by his pets after they have been used in battle. Gekko can use his abilities again after a short cooldown by reclaiming the globules.

What role is Gekko in VALORANT?

Gekko is an Initiator Agent with abilities that can help him spot, blind, damage, and detain enemies through his abilities. He is best known for his ability to plant and defuse the Spike remotely.

Three of Gekko’s abilities can be reused once after using them initially early in the round. Gekko can pick up globules left behind by his Dizzy, Wingman, and Thrash and reuse them after a short cooldown.

VALORANT Gekko Release Date

Gekko is set to be released when Episode 6 Act III comes out on March 7, 2023.

It will be interesting to see how Gekko and his cute pets shape the VALORANT meta moving forward. His ability to plant and defuse the Spike from afar is the first of its kind and will no doubt be a game-changer that will force players to employ new tactics and strategies to counteract this ability.

Gekko and Friends

Gekko’s quirky looks and cute pets do a great job of hiding the monster that he can be on the battlefield. Not only does the new Initiator Agent have all the basic Initiator abilities that help him open up opportunities for his team, but his ability to plant the spike remotely adds a new dynamic to how pre- and post-plant situations are handled in the game moving forward.

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VALORANT: Patch 6.04 Notes – Gekko, Performance Updates, and Bug Fixes Fri, 10 Mar 2023 19:00:54 +0000

The new patch debuts the newest Initiator Agent Gekko.

VALORANT: Patch 6.04 Notes - Gekko, Performance Updates, and Bug Fixes

Patch 6.04 is live, and with it comes the newest Agent in Gekko and some important gameplay improvements for VALORANT.

Learn about Gekko, his abilities, plus all the gameplay improvements that Riot Games has in store for Patch 6.04 in this quick guide.


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Gekko brings all the typical abilities you can expect from the Initiator class in VALORANT plus a unique gameplay mechanic that allows him to send one of his buddies to plant or defuse the Spike remotely.

Below are Gekko’s official abilities:

Gekko Abilities

Wingman (Q)

EQUIP Wingman FIRE to send Wingman forward seeking enemies. Wingman unleashes a concussive blast toward the first enemy he sees. ALT FIRE when targeting a Spike site or planted Spike to have Wingman defuse or plant the Spike. To plant, Gekko must have the Spike in his inventory. When Wingman expires, he reverts into a dormant globule. INTERACT to reclaim the globule and gain another Wingman charge after a short cooldown.

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Dizzy (E)

EQUIP Dizzy FIRE to send Dizzy soaring forward through the air. Dizzy charges then unleashes plasma blasts at enemies in line of sight. Enemies hit by her plasma are blinded. When Dizzy expires when reverts into a dormant globule. INTERACT to reclaim the globule and gain another Dizzy charge after a short cooldown.

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Mosh Pit (C)

EQUIP Mosh FIRE to throw Mosh like a grenade ALT FIRE to throw underhand. Upon landing Mosh duplicates across a large area then after a short delay explodes.

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Thrash (X)

EQUIP Thrash FIRE to link with Thrash’s mind and steer her through enemy territory ACTIVATE to lunge forward and explode, detaining any enemies in a small radius. When Thrash expires, she reverts into a dormant globule INTERACT to reclaim the globule and gain another Thrash charge after a short cooldown. Thrash can be reclaimed once.

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Improved Frame Latency and Bug Fixes

  • Updated thread synchronization to reduce input latency.
    • Input latency has been improved by ~1 frame for players who meet all of the following criteria:
      • Do not have NVIDIA Reflex/AMD Anti-Lag available/enabled.
      • They have multithreaded rendering enabled.
      • They use VSYNC.
  • Fixed bug where if Sage’s Barrier Orb was damaged while fortifying, it would fortify to full health instead of going to max health minus the damage that was death during fortification.
  • Fixed a bug where abilities, like Sova Drone that are pushed by the Lotus doors into other players, could continue to push players even after the door stops or the players exited the doors area.
  • Fixed hitch where game mode-related UI is loaded in a blocking manner on game startup.

You can read to full official VALORANT Patch 6.04 blog post here.

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Diablo Immortal: Season 11 Content Update brings back Fractured Plane, Armory Changes, a new limited-time event, and more Thu, 09 Mar 2023 20:09:46 +0000

These minor yet worthwhile updates should set up the next Major Update nicely.

Diablo Immortal: Season 11 Content Update brings back Fractured Plane, Armory Changes, a new limited-time event, and more

Blizzard will be taking a quick break from their usual Content Update cadence to prepare for the upcoming Major Update, which means this will be the last Content Update for this month. This shouldn’t be too much of an issue since Blizzard added a ton of new content in the current Content Update to keep players busy while they wait for the major update at the end of the month.

Diablo Immortal 1.7.5 is set to release this week, and with it comes new cosmetic options, a brand new limited-time event, the Season 11 Battle Pass, and the return of the popular Fractured Plane event.

We have outlined everything you need to know about the Season 11 Content Update in this guide.

New Features

New cosmetic options, Armory Optimizations, Crafting changes, and notification updates have been added to Diablo Immortal in the current Content Update.

Blizzard has added a new Hide Helmet Cosmetic Option that lets players, well, hide their character’s helmet. This change was likely added to give Westmarch Barber changes more value since there’s really no point in visiting the Westmarch Barber if your cosmetic set covers your character’s facial features.

To make Armory navigation more streamlined, Blizzard has now given players the option to fine-tune their Loadouts by allowing players to save specific items to Loadouts and by adding a new Checkbox feature that players can toggle to save specific equipment to a Loadout.

In the last update, Blizzard introduced important changes to Fading Embers and Runes to make Legendary Gem crafting less complicated. Continuing on this theme of simplifying the crafting process in Diablo Immortal, Blizzard has now enabled Legendary Gem crafting with Telluric Pearls through the Apprentice Jeweler.

Other changes include a new Settings menu option to opt out of Helliquary Raid invites until the next reset, a new Hilts Trader Refresh Indicator that updates players when Hilts Trader Stocks have been refreshed, and queue-priority changes to Defend the Vault.

To round things off, Blizzard is set to drop the Season 11 Battle Pass on April 13, featuring pirate-themed cosmetics dubbed Sea Reavers alongside the typical 40 ranks worth of challenges and rewards.

Of course, no new Content Update will be complete without a new Cosmetic Set. So for Season 11, Blizzard pushes their sea/pirate-themed cosmetics through the Contest of Knaves Cosmetic Set. The set will cost 1,000 Eternal Orbs.

Limited-time Events

There’s no shortage of limited-time events for the Season 11 Content Update in Diablo Immortal; Four limited-time events will be available in-game – two brand new limited-time events in Accursed Secrets and Adventurer’s Path and three recurring limited-time events in Fractured Plane, and Hungering Moon.

Accursed Secrets Limited-time Event

The Accursed Secrets limited-time event is a simple event where you can receive rewards by logging in on specific dates from March 24 to March 30.

The event requires players to be at least Level 20 to participate in the event, where they can collect Rare Crests, a Telluric Pearl, and a Legendary Crest just by logging in.

While the event is active, defeat the Cursed Elite Monsters that spawn daily and collect additional rewards. Players Level 30 and above will also receive a 100% bonus Battle Pass XP while the event is active. Accursed Secrets will run from March 24 through March 30.

Adventurer’s Path, Fractured Plane, and Hungering Moon

Adventurer’s Path

Adventurer’s Path requires you to complete various tasks to collect event rewards. The limited-time event features milestone rewards that you can collect after completing a specific number of tasks.

You can get Gold, Enchanted Dust, and Scrap Materials for completing individual tasks, while completing Milestones will net you Legendary Gems, Legendary Crests, Rare Crests, and Telluric Pearls.

Adventurer’s Path will be active from March 8 to March 16 at 2:59 a.m. server time.

Fractured Plane

Fractured Plane has been one of the more popular limited-time events in Diablo Immortal. The limited-time event puts players in a 15-floor gauntlet gungeon where they face mobs and clear one floor to the next using pre-selected skills and gear that compliments those pre-selected skills.

As you progress through the Fractured Plane, you will collect Legendary Gear of random quality which will vanish after you complete the event. If you can survive through all 15 floors without dying more than 5 times, you can select six out of all the Legendary Gear you have collected in the event and one will be rewarded to you to keep.

Adventurer’s Path runs from March 16, 3 a.m. to April 6, 2:59 a.m. server time.

Hungering Moon

Hungering Moon has been a staple limited-time event in Diablo Immortal that has appeared in almost every Content Update since the game’s official launch last year.

The event is simple enough: Complete up to three tasks a day to gain Astrolabe power, which will then be used to draw one of two blessings – Blessing of More and Blessing or Might.

The former will give you 50% bonus gold from dungeons or a 10% damage buff while in dungeons and give you 5 Moonslivers. The latter will require you to complete any type of dungeon for Moonslivers. Completing the dungeon will a party will get you 2x more Moonslivers.

You can then exchange Moonslivers for rewards at Hermit’s Collection. If you manage to collect and use 12 blessings, you will get 90 Moonslivers through The Moon’s Regard.

You can also collect Milestone Rewards by amassing a specific amount of Moonslivers.

Hungering Moon runs from March 30, 3 a.m. to April 6, 2:59 a.m. server time.

You can read the full March 6th Content Update Patch Notes and Bug Fixes here.

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Diablo Immortal Season 10 – Normal Gem Changes, Feature Updates, new Limited-time Event, and more Wed, 22 Feb 2023 17:00:09 +0000

Nine seasons went by way too fast.

Diablo Immortal Season 10 - Normal Gem Changes, Feature Updates, new Limited-time Event, and more

Nine seasons of Diablo Immortal went by in a blink of an eye. Eight months after the game’s initial release, Blizzard’s mobile version of the ultra-popular dungeon crawler is already in its 10th season.

This season, Blizzard has focused on bringing numerous gameplay improvements alongside the usual limited-time event, Battle Pass, and new cosmetic set.

There’s a lot to tackle with this new update, but don’t worry; we will discuss them in detail in this guide.

New Attributes for Normal Gems

Blizzard is updating how Normal Gems work in Diablo Immortal. For Season 10, Normal Gems will “receive an additional attribute which modifies the base stats of the item they’re socketed into.”

The devs believe this change will give Normal Gems more use and help make Wynton’s Grand Market more relevant in-game.

Hidden Lairs is also getting an update to help players get more tradeable gems. Instead of this change, the devs will briefly remove all listed Normal Gems from Wynton’s Grand Market on February 22. Players can relist their Normal Gems after the update is complete.

Season 10 Feature Updates

Feature Updates are the highlight of the Season 10 update for Diablo Immortal, so don’t expect too much new content for this round of updates.

That said, the devs have made some important quality-of-life improvements to make gameplay more streamlined in Diablo Immortal.

Two Additional Stash Tabs

Blizzard has now allowed players to add additional storage tabs in their Stash.

Up to two Stash tabs can be added for each character in Diablo Immortal, giving players more storage space for their in-game items.

Players can unlock the first of two tabs by paying 2,000 Platinum. The second tab can be unlocked by having an active Boon of Plenty.

Unfortunately, if the player’s Boon of Plenty expires, they can no longer add items to that tab and will only be able to withdraw the items already in the second tab when Boon of Plenty expires.

Boss Invulnerable Phases

The devs have opted to reduce boss invulnerability phases in Diablo Immortal to speed up boss fights. Still, they promise to keep the changes minor and not to take away from the storytelling aspect of these boss fights.

You might have noticed slight pauses in the middle of battle when dealing with bosses in Diablo Immortal, one example being the pause after killing Segithis’ Left and Right Legs.

These pauses add drama to boss fights, but the devs believe these downtimes can add unnecessary time to dungeon runs or boss fights. If you’re doing multiple runs of the same dungeon, these small pauses can become quite time-consuming.

Path of Blood Rewards

Blizzard has made improvements to the Path of Blood System for Season 10. More specifically, players will now receive gold, XP, and items for completing a floor.

Players can now skip to the nearest boss floor on the current floor. All loot for the skipped floors will be rewarded, and players can skip to the next boss floor instantly.

Notifications, Visibility, and Bounty Rewards

The devs have also added a congratulatory screen for players who reach a new Hell Difficulty in Diablo Immortal.

The same screen will give the player details on new unlocked features by progressing through the Hell Difficulties.

Blizzard has also added an Auto-Follow Party Member feature which should help give players a chance to AFK when necessary.

Players can now tap or click on a party member to automatically follow their movement in-game. The Auto-Follow feature can be stopped by moving manually or when attacked by enemies.

The rest of the changes include a Player Profile Display change that lets players see their Warband name in the Player Profile menu, Combat Rating Visibility changes that will move the CR stat to the top of the Attributes menu, and Bounty Rewards increase from 1.2x >>> 5x.

Perils of the Fen Limited-time Event

The namesake of Diablo Immortal Season 10 – Perils of the Fen is a limited-time event that runs from February 8, 3 a.m. through February 16, 3 a.m. server time.

Like previous limited-time events in Diablo Immortal, players can complete event tasks and collect exciting rewards for their efforts.

Season 10 Battle Pass

Diablo Immortal’s Season 10 Battle Pass is dubbed “Alchemist’s Admixture” which features alchemy-themed Weapons and Armor cosmetics alongside numerous other loot such as Crests, Legendary Gems, and upgrade materials.

Players can acquire the Alchemist’s Admixture by completing tasks in the Season 10 Battle Pass from February 16, 3 a.m. through March 16, 2:59 a.m. server time, which should be enough time for players to complete all 40 ranks of the Battle Pass.

Void Beyond Cosmetic Set

A new season will not be complete without a new cosmetic set. For Season 10, players are getting the demonic-themed cosmetic called Void Beyond. Players can purchase the cosmetic set for 1,000 Eternal Orbs in the in-game shop.

Breezing Through the Seasons

There’s not a lot of new content for Season 10 as Blizzard focused on fixing and changing gameplay systems to improve the quality of life in Diablo Immortal. Nevertheless, the new Limited-time event and Battle Pass should give players plenty to be busy about while waiting for the next Major Update.

You can read the official patch notes from the Perils of the Fen blog post here.

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Apex Legends Mobile to Shut Down in May Mon, 06 Feb 2023 17:00:00 +0000

April Fools is still two months away.

Apex Legends Mobile to Shut Down in May

Apex Legends Mobile arrived on the mobile gaming scene with guns blazing back on May 17, 2022. Since then, the game has garnered millions of fans and earned a number of awards, including the Best Game and Users’ Choice awards in the 2022 Google Play Awards.

Apex Legends Mobile’s first year was a runaway success, mostly due to the regular updates which brought in exciting new features and unique mobile-exclusive Legends such as Fade and Rhapsody. Add those to the mobile-exclusive Legend Perks and you’ve got a mobile game that’s seriously starting to rival its namesake.

Everything was going so well until EA and Respawn announced the shocking news that defies all logic – Apex Legends Mobile is shutting down on May 1st, 2023.

We have outlined everything you need to know about Apex Legends Mobile’s shutdown in this article.

What Happened to Apex Legends Mobile?

There could be a number of internal reasons why EA and Respawn Entertainment suddenly decided to axe Apex Legends Mobile. However, EA and Respawn Entertainment say they made the mutual decision to shut down Apex Legends Mobile due to not being able to deliver the quality, quantity, and update cadence they aimed to deliver to Apex Legends Mobile fans.

This news is definitely a shocker, not just to fans of Apex Legends Mobile, but to other players who know about the success that Apex Legends Mobile achieved in just a few months.

Sure, the game had some minor bugs that needed fixing, but those are almost expected in a newly released mobile game such as Apex Legends Mobile and are not worth shutting down a highly-successful game.

Whatever the real reason is for EA and Repsawn’s decision to shut down Apex Legend’s mobile fork, nothing will change the fact that the game is set to disappear forever on May 1st, 2023.

When will Apex Legends Mobile shut down?

EA and Respawn Entertainment will shut down Apex Legends Mobile on May 1st, 2023 at 4 PM PDT. By that time, players from all regions will no longer be able to play the game at all.

Players are no longer be able to make in-game purchases starting January 31st, 2023, as the devs have disabled real money in-app purchases.

What can players expect from the Apex Legends Mobile shutdown?

As of January 31, 2023, EA and Respawn Entertainment have stopped all stopped real money purchases and have already removed Apex Legends Mobile from third-party webstores. Despite this, the devs say players can still spend their Syndicate Gold and play the game like normal up until before May 1st.

All in-game purchases can be used until May 1st, 2023 at 4 PM PDT, but players cannot get a refund for most of their in-game purchases that fall under the EA User Agreement.

For more information, you can read the official blog post here.

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